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Tunisha Sharma Suicide case Updated News: New twist in Tunisha Sharma case revealed in postmortem report

Tunisha Sharma Suicide case Updated News: New twist in Tunisha Sharma case revealed in postmortem report!!

Tunisha Sharma Suicide Case Updated News: New twist in Tunisha Sharma case revealed in the postmortem report After the suicide of Tunisha Sharma, many stars of the TV world are in shocked, while her postmortem happened last night at around one o’clock, then there is something else in the report. It turned out that his postmortem took place after 12 midnight on the 24th December. Tunisha Sharma committed suicide by hanging herself from the ceiling fan in the vanity van rest room on the sets of Ali Baba. The postmortem of his dead body was done at JJ Group’s hospital in Mumbai. The postmortem of the body was done by the doctor’s team under the surveillance of the camera. After the postmortem report, it was found that she died due to suffocation, this was confirmed by the Mumbai police officer in front of the media.

Shijan Khan will remain in police custody for four days

Tunisha Sharma Suicide Case Updated News: After Tunisha Sharma’s suicide, Tunisha’s mother had alleged that Shijan had come for her to commit suicide, after the report, the police took him on remand and nothing much came out in the interrogation. Today’s Mumbai Court Appeared in which the Mumbai Police demanded to keep him in custody for four days, so that they could be closely investigated and asked properly, because he was accused of abetment to suicide under section 306. In the Tunisha Sharma case, the statements of the people present on the set have been recorded, as well as the statements of some close people have also been recorded.

Tunisha Sharma Suicide Case Updated News
Tunisha Sharma Suicide Case Updated News

Shizaan Khan and Tunisha Sharma were in a relationship?

Tunisha Sharma Suicide Case Updated News: Mumbai Police Officer ACP Chandrakant Yadav told that Shijan and Tunisha were in a relationship with each other, their breakup happened 15 to 20 days ago. Due to which Tunisha had gone into depression and probably because of this she has taken this step, although Shijan is still in police custody, he is being questioned. Shijan and Tunisha were in a relationship, their mother also told that Tunisha used to visit Shijan’s house as well. You will find their photos together on the official Instagram ID.

Did Tunisha get Shijan’s name written on her hand?

Tunisha Sharma Suicide Case Updated News: Tunisha did not get Shijan’s name written on the palm of her left hand. She recently posted a video on Instagram, in which it is clearly visible that Tunisha has *Love Above Every Thing written on her hand.

Tunisha Sharma Suicide Case Updated News
Tunisha Sharma Suicide Case Updated News

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