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Taliban government has banned women from going to college and university

World News:

Taliban has ordered non-governmental organizations to send women workers home, along with the Taliban government has banned women from going to college and university. This news comes just a few days after the Taliban government ordered that all local and foreign non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Afghanistan be barred from pursuing higher education for women. Workers have been ordered to stop coming to work, according to a letter issued by the Ministry of Economy. Abdul Rahman Habib, spokesman for the Ministry of Economy, confirmed the decree and said that female employees were not allowed to work until further orders because some women did not follow the Islamic dress code.

Taliban government has banned women from going to college and university

The Taliban government has banned women and girls from going to college and university, due to which the people there are disappointed and upset, people are protesting against this order of the Taliban government that this is a wrong decision, such decisions are mentally weak. They make it because in today’s time, education is everything. There are many soldiers standing outside Kabul University who are armed and with tanks, they are not allowing any woman or girl to enter the university, the situation there is horrifying, women and girls are raising slogans of education, employment and freedom. Has been People are also saying that where there is no education for women how can they wish for a better future.

Women are protesting against this decision of Taliban!

Due to this decision of Taliban, women have come out on the streets, shouting slogans outside the college, as well as a video is going viral, in which the view outside Kabul University looks like a battlefield, Taliban soldiers Many women have also been arrested for sloganeering, Taliban women were also involved in this protest. It is also being told in this video that the Talibani soldiers beat them up and also took them with them. Some people of Kabul are also saying that the only way to make future has been closed, it is difficult to believe that how any government can take such a decision.

Have such decisions been taken earlier also?

World News: This has been done in Afghanistan earlier also in which girls and others were refused to go to school. Yes, this news has also come from Afghanistan, a few days ago also such a decision was taken when girls were denied to go to secondary school. People there are also saying that ever since the Taliban government returned to power, many things for women have been banned. There is already a ban on women walking in the park and going to the gym.

Has there been a ban on higher level studies?

University Education: Yes, a ban has been imposed on the higher level education of women. This decision came at a time when all the women and girls had appeared in the university examination. Ziaul Hashmi of the Ministry of Afghanistan has also tweeted the letter on his Twitter handle. The letter also has the signature of Education Minister Neda Mohammad Nadeem. It is written in the letter that the education of women should be stopped till the next order and it should be implemented immediately till the next order. Already in Afghanistan, the Taliban imposed rules on education, on the basis of women and girls, their classes were separated and there was freedom to study from old professors.

The Taliban government in Afghanistan has very strict rules!

Ever since the Taliban government has been in Afghanistan, there has been upheaval in many things, every day one or the other rules and regulations keep changing. We will discuss many of rules in upcoming post so please stay tuned with

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